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Establishment of Indonesian Demersal Association (ADI)

This Preparatory Meeting is the follow up of the previous meeting to establish Indonesia Demersal Fisheries Association, facilitated by SFP in Surabaya on 11 October 2018, which attended by 12 Indonesian snapper grouper companies, namely: PT Inti Lautan Fajar Abadi, PT Kelola Mina Laut, PT Bahari Biru Nusantara, PT Varia Niaga Nusantara, PT Alam Jaya Seafood, PT Bali Seafood International, PT Sukses Hasil Alam Nusaindo, CV Trans KCP, PT Cilacap Samudera Fishing Indusry, PT Mida Mas Perkasa, PT Inti Luhur Fuja Abadi and PT Perikanan Nusantara.

One of the key outputs of that meeting was the agreement to set up a Preparatory Team to start working on details of establishment of Association. The Preparatory Team consists of representatives from each exiting site level FIPs, namely: Aru and Arafura Seas region (WPP 718) represented by Geerry Kosasih (PT Inti Lautan Fajar Abadi); Java Sea region (WPP 712) represented by Dedi S. (PT Alam Jaya Seafood); Makassar Strait region (WPP 713) represented by Agus Saputra (PT Kemilau Bintang Timur); and Jakarta region represented by William Sutiyoso (PT Cilacap Samudera Fishing Industry).

The participants in that meeting also agreed that this Preparatory Team should meet to discuss/refine objectives and scope of works of the Association, memberships, board members and secretarial support and ensure their functions, work to get agreement on Statute and Code of Conduct, articles of association and bylaws, funding mechanism, business and operation plan, priorities and strategies. As the follow up, SFP facilitated the small meeting on the establishment of Indonesia Demersal Association in Surabaya on 5 March 2019. The agenda of the meeting was:

  • Update on the process of establishment of Association from previous meetings
  • Sharing, lesson learned and best practices from Indonesia Blue Swimming Crab Association (APRI) and how it can be used for the Indonesia Demersal Fisheries Association
  • Discussion on:
    1. Vision and Mission of Association
    2. Benefits of Association
    3. Statute and Membership
    4. Timeline
  • Conclusion and next steps

The Preparatory Team Meeting was attended by 6 key companies, namely PT. Kelola Mina Laut (KML), PT. Kemilau Bintang Timur (KBT), PT. Inti Lautan Fajar Abadi, PT. Alam Jaya, CV. Inti Makmur and PT. Cilacap Samudera Fishing Industry (CSFI).